Morlana - Pages

Free Subdomains provided by Morlana

Project maintained by Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Morlana Pages Free Subdomain Service


This repository provides a free subdomain service for the domain, similar to Users can request a subdomain by forking this repository, adding their domain entry to domains.yaml, and submitting a pull request.

How It Works

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Add your subdomain entry to domains.yaml, ensuring it is in alphabetical order.
  3. Submit a pull request.
  4. Once the PR is approved and merged, an automated workflow updates the DNS records via the Cloudflare API.

Subdomain Requirements

How to Request a Subdomain

1. Edit domains.yaml

Add your subdomain under the subdomains section:

  - name: "your-subdomain"
    target: ""
    proxy: true  # Set to false if you want to disable the Cloudflare proxy
    note: "Optional description"

2. Submit a Pull Request

Reserved Domains

Some subdomains are reserved and cannot be registered. The list includes:


Once a pull request is merged, a GitHub Action will:

  1. Validate the domains.yaml file.
  2. Check for duplicate or reserved domains.
  3. Update the Cloudflare DNS settings automatically.

Setup for Maintainers

Environment Variables

To enable Cloudflare DNS updates, set the following secrets in Gitea:


This project is open-source and licensed under the BSD-3-Clause.